Senin, 22 September 2014

20/09 YGO Final CnG League Season 5 - Taman Anggrek (TCG)

Held on September 20th 2014
Participant: 16

- 1st Place -
Player: Jonas Xavier

Deck: Burning Abyss

Monster (17)
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
3x Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
3x Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
3x Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld
2x Mathematician
2x Effect Veiler

Spell (9)
1x Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force
3x Upstart Goblin
1x Foolish Burial
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Supply Squad

Trap (14)
3x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
1x Raigeki Break
2x Karma Cut
2x Vanity's Emptiness
2x Breakthrough Skill
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Solemn Warning
2x Wiretap

Extra Deck (15)
1x Constellar Ptolemys M7
2x Constellar Pleiades
1x Downerd Magician
1x Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
1x Number 47: Nightmare Shark
2x Ghostrick Alucard
1x Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
1x Number 49: Fortune Tune
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Wind-Up Zenmaines
3x Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss

Side Deck (15)
2x Mobius the Shadow Monarch
2x Ally of Justice Cycle Reader
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Back to Square One
2x Malevolent Catastrophe
3x Chain Dissapearance
1x Non Agression Area
2x Chaos Trap Hole

- 2nd Place -
Player: Kevin Richard
Deck: Shaddoll Artifact

Monster (20)
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
3x Shaddoll Beast

3x Artifact Moralltach
2x Shaddoll Dragon
2x Shaddoll Squamata
1x Felice, Lightsworn Archer
3x Mathematician
3x Shaddoll Hedgehog
2x Shaddoll Falcon

Spell (8)
3x Shaddoll Fusion
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Foolish Burial
1x Book of Moon
1x Super Polymerization
1x Soul Charge

Trap (12)
3x Artifact Sanctum
3x Sinister Shadow Games
2x Vanity's Emptiness
2x Breakthrough Skill
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Solemn Warning

Extra Deck (15)
3x El Shaddoll Construct
2x El Shaddoll Winda
1x Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree
1x Michael, The Arch-Lightsworn
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Arcanite Magician
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Armades Keeper of Boundaries
1x Constellar Pleiades
1x Number 61: Volcasaurus
1x Castel the Avian Skyblaster
1x Daigusto Emeral

Side Deck (15)
3x Flying "C"
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Super Polymerization
1x Mind Control
2x Malevolent Catastrophe
2x Different Dimension Ground


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