Minggu, 11 Juni 2023

Plasmadueling Now In English and New Deck Build Idea !!


Greetings everyone! It's great to be back to writing again! And Happy Official for our country! Since last March, Yu-Gi-Oh! has achieved Official Status, and we recently had our first official tournament in Jakarta. I hope some of you had the opportunity to participate in that tournament. It's exciting to have a chance to compete in the Official Tournament and had a chance to represent our country on a global stage.

Now, I have to admit, this official status doesn't quite suit me. I haven't been involved in Yu-Gi-Oh! much in the past five years. Since moving to Pontianak, I haven't had the chance to play the game in real life. I've only managed to complete my Elemental Hero deck, and that's about it. But maybe, just maybe, this year I'll be able to participate in the official Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament. Wish me luck!

But let's get back to our blog lol. I've decided to revive this blog to increase my knowledge about Yu-Gi-Oh! and share it with all of you. Who knows? Maybe in the future, this site will become a reference blog for Yu-Gi-Oh! players. But for now, let's focus on today's post. I want to share my past deck idea, the Parasite Fusion deck, and how I've modernized it with the current OCG Cardpool. Surprisingly, the Spright archetype complements the Parasite Fusion deck quite well.

 Without further ado, here is the deck list for the Parasite Fusion Deck 2023 version!

I am using the YGOPRODeck website to assist me in creating a decklist. You can also click this link (https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/spright-parasite-331292) to visit the website and read the effects of the cards that I have used in this deck build.

One key card that enhances the speed and effectiveness of this deck is trap cards, Both Packet Link and Little Oppositon allow you to special summon Fusion Parasite from deck. I chose the Spright archetype because they are the best level 2 monsters in this era. Using Genex Undine as the engine, the nimble monsters can be utilized to summon Gigantic Spright, followed by the Spright Shenanigans combo. Ultimately, we can summon Mekk-Knight Avramax as an alternative end board.

What's interesting is that this deck can also incorporate boss monsters from other archetypes such as Branded monsters, Dark Magician, Invoked, or even Dark World. Since Spright is a Thunder attribute, you can use it to summon Thunder Dragon Colossus. Additionally, most of our cards are Dark attributes, enabling you to summon Grapha, Dragon Overlord of Dark World. And for some extra fun, you can use these monsters to create Neos Brave and deal some serious damage to your opponent.

Now, let's delve into one of the combos that can be used in this deck:


1x Genex Undine

1x Link Packet / Link Opposition


  1.  Normal Summon Genex Undine, discarding Nimble Angler as a cost, and add Genex Controller to your hand.
  2. The effect of Nimble Angler is triggered, allowing you to special summon 2 Nimble Beavers from your deck.
  3. Overlay the 2 Nimble Beavers to XYZ summon Spright Gigantic. Use its effect to detach 1 material and summon Spright Blue from your deck.
  4. The effect of Spright Blue is triggered, adding Spright Jet from your deck. Special Summon Spright Jet and activate its effect to search for Spright Starter.
  5. Activate Spright Starter, special summon any 1 Spright monster from your deck.
  6. Overlay the 2 Spright monsters (Spright Jet and Spright Blue) to special summon Spright Sprind.
  7. Effect of Spright Sprind is triggered, allowing you to dump Nimble Angler from your deck. Since Nimble Angler's effect is not limited to once per turn, you can use that effect again to summon the last Nimble Beaver from your deck.
  8. Overlay Genex Undine and Nimble Beaver to special summon IP: Masquerena to your field.

Final Board:

1x Gigantic Spright

1x Spright Sprind

1x IP: Masquerena

1x Spright monster level 2 (such as Carrot or Red)

To complete the combo, you can set your Link Packet or Little Opposition. During your opponent's main phase, you can activate Masquerena's effect to special summon Mekk-Knight Avramax using her and Spright Sprind. Then, you can activate Link Packet or Little Opposition to special summon Parasite Fusion from your deck and perform a Fusion Summon with Spright (since they are both Thunder-type monsters). For example, you can fusion summon Thunder Dragon Colossus or Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon using Gigantic Spright. Pretty cool, right?

Since I had some spare time, I also searched Yuyutei and tried to make this deck on a budget from scratch. I aimed to use the lowest rarity cards, but you can increase the rarity of the cards in this decklist if you prefer a more expensive version.

The Google Sheet Price List

I am using Yuyutei as OCG price's reference. I also used yen exchange rate 1 Yen =  120 rupiah. 

Surprisingly, this deck turned out to be somewhat pricey lol. Even the most expensive card is Nimble Beaver it self lol. The extra deck cards and staple cards tend to have higher prices than others. However, you can utilize these staple cards and extra deck monsters in other competitive decks as well. This particular deck is more suitable for fun and casual duels rather than competitive play.

That's all for today's writing. I hope you enjoyed this post and feel inspired to play Yu-Gi-Oh! again. Perhaps in the future, I'll try to create more decklists using older archetypes or provide statistics about the card pool and strategies. But for now, let's stick to the fun decklist ideas.

Thanks for reading, and once again, Happy Official for all of us!



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