yak, kartu jadul dari set dark relevation dan flaming eternity ini memang kartu yang sungguh aneh. mari kita simak saja efeknya dibawah ini
"The face-up monster(s) with the highest ATK on the field isunaffected by the effects of Spell Cards. When "Pole Position" is removed from the field, destroy the face-up monster(s) with the highest ATK on the field."
efeknya sepertinya biasa saja ya? monster dengan attack tertinggi diarena tidak akan terpengaruh oleh semua efek spell.bayangkan di arena anda ada blue eyes yang udah anda capek-capek tribute summon, eh tau-taunya di dark hole begitu saja sama musuh. sakit bukan? tapi untunglah ada kartu pole position ini. karena blue eyes ini attacknya tertinggi di arena, maka blue eyes gak terpengaruh ama dark hole. musuh cuman bisa facepalm melihat dark hole nya sia-sia.
akan tetapi, kata-kata efek dari pole position ini punya arti yang lebih dalam. efek kartu ini langsung mengenai monster yang attacknya paling tinggi diarena. dan monster tersebut langsung un-affected by spell. disinilah masalahnya, misalkan anda punya monster dengan equip axe of despair dan anda akan aktifkan pole position ini, maka pole membuat monster anda akan kehilangan efek axe of despair, saat efek kapaknya hilang, maka monsternya gak terpengaruh efek pole position dan efek kapak akan meningkatkan lagi attacknya. dan kembali berulang-ulang alias nonstop loop.
masih bingung dengan penjelasan diatas? mari kita baca bersama ruling dari kartu pole position ini. konami bilang bahwa :
- The second effect of "Pole Position" does not begin a chain. When "Pole Position" is removed from the field, the effect is applied immediately and the monster is destroyed.
- If "Pole Position" is active, and your opponent controls "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and "Skull Servant", and you activate "Smashing Ground", "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" is unaffected by Spell Cards, so the effect of "Smashing Ground" disappears.
- If you control "Dark Magician" and your opponent controls "Blue-Eyes White Dragon", and you activate "Flint" targeting "Blue-Eyes White Dragon", and your opponent chains "Pole Position", then "Flint" isequipped meaninglessly to "Blue-Eyes White Dragon". If "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" is destroyed, "Flint" can be equipped to "Dark Magician" meaninglessly if you choose (even if other monsters are on the field).
- If "Level Limit - Area B" and "Pole Position" are on the field, the highest ATK monster is unaffected by "Level Limit - Area B". If it attacks, and during damage calculation and "Mask of Weakness" is activated to reduce its ATK so that it is no longer the highest ATK monster on the field, the effect of "Level Limit - Area B" is applied. Also, the attack stops. Do not perform damage calculation.
- If an effect is chained that destroys "Pole Position" or removes it from the field before it resolves, its effects are not applied.
- You cannot choose to Summon a monster, Set a monster, or Set or activate a Spell or Trap Card, or card effect, if it would cause an infinite loop.
If you do this by mistake, just rewind the game to before the Summon/Set/activation occurred.
I have "Pole Position", "Luminous Spark" (+500 to LIGHT), and "Gemini Elf" (1900 ATK / EARTH) face-up on the field. "Gemini Elf" is the monster on the field with the highest ATK, so it is unaffected by Spell Cards. If the opponent Summons "X-Head Cannon" (1800 ATK / LIGHT), "Luminous Spark" will raise the ATK of "X-Head Cannon" to 2300, making it the highest ATK monster on the field, so it's unaffected by Spell Cards, so it drops to 1800 ATK, then increases to 2300, then drops to 1800, etc. This would create an infinite loop. Therefore, the opponent cannot Summon "X-Head Cannon".
The opponent has "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" (3000 ATK) and "Pole Position" face-up on the field. I have "Gemini Elf" (1900 ATK), and "Opticlops" (1800 ATK) equipped with "Axe of Despair"(+1000 ATK; 2800 total)face-up on the field, and a Set "Ring of Destruction". If I activate "Ring of Destruction" to destroy "Blue-Eyes White Dragon", then "Opticlops" will be the highest ATK monster on the field, and cause an infinite loop (it is the highest, it isn't, it is, it isn't, etc.). Therefore, I cannot target "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" with "Ring of Destruction".
The opponent has a face-down "Pole Position". I have "Opticlops" (1800 ATK) and "Gemini Elf" (1900 ATK)face-up on the field. I activate "Axe of Despair" (+1000 ATK) and try to equip my "Opticlops" (1800 ATK). The opponent cannot chain "Pole Position", since that would cause an infinite loop. "Pole Position" is an illegal activation. Put it back face-down."
cukup membingung kan bukan? disini diberikan contoh 3 saja padahal di wikia sendiri contohnya saja ada 8. karena banyaknya variasi contoh dari kasus pole position ini. intinya cuman 1, kita tidak boleh membuat infinite loop karena pole position. karenanya, hal yang membuat jadi infinite loop tidak boleh dilakukan oleh player/ sungguh dilematis kartu ini, awalnya dibuat agar monster attack tertinggi di arena gak bisa kena efek spell. eh malah membuat infinite loop. dan ngomong-ngomong, kartu ini termasuk kartu yang judge sendiri juga lupa tentang rulingnya. makanya kalau anda main game nds maupun psp, kartu ini tidak pernah ada. coba saja anda search, pasti gak ketemu. hahaha
oke, sekian dari saya. thx for reading and happy trolling
example #1
quite annoying though...
bisa jadi lockdown ya?
Kartu yang telah lama membeku di trunkku itu ternyata bsa bkn infinite loop y? Baru tau......
bisa buat cegah lawan summon juga yak..
misal kasus kayak gini
Turn gw
Pake Amazoness Village
Summon Trainee (ATK 1500 +200 dr Village) jadi 1700
aktifin Pole Position (Trainee jadi 1500 lagi)
Turn Lawan
Summon Momon apa aja yg atknya 1600
loop kan? jadi lawan ga bole summon..
gitu yah?
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